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About Us

Is to empower women in embodying their organic sexual expressions, offering tools and counseling services for a more refined cultivation of sexual expression & resonance, and to begin collectively shifting commonly held misconceptions surrounding the Divine Feminine & Her Sexual Expression as Healing Power. Through working with ancestral tools and learning ancestral philosophies surrounding Feminine Power, we begin to shed the skins of centuries of fear and ignorance surrounding our Wombs & the powerful potential Within.

Our Vision


to release ignorance and fear surrounding the Power of the Feminine & Her sexuality. In ancient times, in many cultures globally, we see a deep respect for the unique power accessable to the woman. Through deepening our consciousness of Womb Wisdom, we open ourselves to a new world that has been lost through the centuries of unhealthy imbalance between the Masculine & Feminine. Through the Yoni-Verse, we cultivate powerful and grounded potential to see our wombs and sexual energy as a tools for healing. SachaMama Creations aspries to aid in this journey of Divine Feminine Self Realization & Embodiment among all Women. 

We Aspire...

women access to knowledge through online personal counseling, articles (see blog) for this journey of self-realization, community classes & workshops, as well as products (tools & formulas). The aspiration is to personalize our approach to each woman's unique intentions and journey. Tantric resource guidance, sexual counseling, Women's Circles & group Yoni Steams, herbal products for Feminine Health & Well-Being, Yoni Eggs & Stones for personal practice & pleasure, and so much more!

We Offer...

A Message from our Founder

Greetings Goddesses,


My name is Jessica Simmons, yet I have been named Camimtza by my jungle brethren of the Manu Jungles of Peru. Camitza is the Matsigenkga word for a Red Orchid that flowers in the Manu for only 20 days out of the year. When that flower blooms, they put her in their medicine brews because they say she is the symbol of Passion of PachaMama (Mother Earth).


I come to you, with my message, service, and offering to uphold that name, as it is my path to do so.


I am a Wild Woman, I live in jungles to learn how to be wild in grace. I am a Scholar, and hold a degree in Anthropology. I am a Wise Woman and have assited births, learned the language of the herbs, greeted death, and strive to cultivate the Ancestral Arts of the Wise Woman in all moments. I am a Daughter of Pachamama, and I sing to honor her in all that I do. I am a Medicine Woman, and I give thanks to this Earth, the Sacred Plants, and the Spirit of Life for blessing my hands. And I am a Lover to this Universe, and embody this lovership in my walk as an Initiate, a Priestess, a Dakini to the Divine, and a Sexual Healer. 


I come to you with only my calling and the knowledge that has been gifted to me, in this life and others. I offer it to you as a service.


The inspiration of SachaMama Creations came as a head point in my walk of Faith upon this Earth. As I breeched the headwaters of my present moment, I came to the shores of my own path and calling with clarity: The Divine Feminine Spirit that flows through me, and all of us, wished to be revealed, and Her message shared. The Sexual Expression of Her comes to be seen, calls us to heal through Her, and invokes the Embodiment of our Sex as a healing energy of Pure Cosmic Life Force. Not all feel this calling, but if you do, you may find yourself reading this. And I welcome any sisters being called to walk this walk with me.


Since time began, we Women have been feared for the power of our sex. Our own sisters and brothers, our inner selves, the institutions and systems, all have feared the SachaMama, the YacuMama, within us. She, the Serpent Mother, is coiled and rising in all of us.


My practices have developed through my own intuition, my walk of awakening through the Medicines, through Ceremony, and through the Spirit of Pachamama. Though I have had many teachers: midwives, herbalists, tantric teachers, curanderas, and shaman, my own guided experience with Nature & the Cosmic Forces, have been the heart of the work I present here. 


I have incorperated my channeled regressions of Tantric Temples in Egypt and Ethopia, and the Aztec and Mayan Temples of Mexico, into what I began as an experiment intended only for myself. I uncovered what the Rastafari call "free thinking" (channeling) and began to unearth and embody the power of the Serpent that lay coiled and fierce in my sexual body for this lifetime. What I have embodied, I wish to share with all sisters also feeling this awakening and calling.


Sexual Energy is the Life Force Energy of Creation. As the tree plants a seed in the earth and that seed grows roots, so too does our sexual energy as humans have an equally Divine & Powerful purpose. When we Orgasm, we create Life in the Cosmic Realms and it ripples into this Reality in subtle ways. Through Conscious Orgasm, Cultivating Sexual Energy for Healing, and Listening to the Magic that is unique to all of us, we come into balance and heal our Mother's wounds as we heal our own Wombs. As we harmonize our Cycles, we attune ourselves to the Rhythms of the Earth & the Moon, allowing us to connect to the totality of all of Creation. 


I am blessed to be walking this path and invite those feeling called to this path to join me. I am a Dakini to the Cosmic Spirit, to the Archetypes of both Masculine and Feminine, and I CHOOSE to walk this path in Light & Love. It is for us all to choose our paths and to walk them in power & love. Aqui estamos. Estamos caminando.


Orpiuay Sonquay Pani,


-Camitza de la Selva





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